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Posts posted by dw1

  1. Hello! I often cache in areas where the cell service isn't great, so I toggle the "Send Log Now" button for each log to off, so it will save my logs until I choose to send them.  It sometimes happens that I forget to toggle it with each log, and if there is little to no service it takes a few minutes while it tries to send the log before I get an error message and can then send it. I would love it if, when I toggle it off for a cache, that i would STAY toggled off until I switch it back on. I hope this makes sense! Thanks!

  2. I use Cachly all the time and for the last couple of months, I get a weird icon showing at the end of my logs.  I log using Cachly and using speech-to-text.  When I'm done speaking, I tap the little keyboard at the end.  It all looks good on Cachly, but when I am home at my computer and I check on geocaching.com, my logs have the icon.  Here's an example: https://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LUID=1d884229-77c0-4a11-b207-50bfaf75b69a

    Is there any way to avoid this?  Thanks!

  3. OCM include topo lines, useful when hiking to see how steep the trails are.  I found out this weekend that the other issue I had isn't true for Cachly.  When I look at OSM on my computer, the trails are much fainter than in OCM, but in Cachly they are much easier to see - so that's great!  Overall, Cachly is such an improvement over the old Groundspeak app!

  4. I am really enjoying using Cachly - so much better than the official Groundspeak app!  I'm wondering if there is a way to download any other maps besides OSM.  OSM doesn't display all the trails and topo data as well as Open Cycle Map.  Any solution for this?  Thanks!

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