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Posts posted by LSbatman

  1. When attending some small events, the CO will distribute a printed list of a few new caches (10-20) that will not be published until the following day. The list is usually limited to the GC code and coordinates. Folks with Garmins create new waypoints. Geosphere users create new caches in a database. I need to develop a Cachly workflow to handle this situation. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  2. I was just drafting a post to say the same thing! 

    1 - Create an offline list and call it TEST.

    2 - Go to Live view, select a cache, select ..., select "Add to Offline List", and select "TEST".

    3 - Return to Offline Lists, select TEST, select the newly added cache, and select ... ; At this point, there is NOT an option to "View on geocaching.com"

    4 - But there is an option to "Refresh", so select that one. Sometimes, there is still NOT an option to "View on geocaching.com"

    5 - Select "Refresh" a second time. Now the option to "View on geocaching.com" appears.

  3. I keep my Found caches in GSAK. I exported them to a GPX and then imported into Cachly. I experienced the following problems with the import.

    - Personal cache notes. Cachly did not import them at all but I know the data is there. Geosphere picks it up.

    - Favorite point count. Cachly did not import the information but I know the data is there. Geosphere picks it up.

    - Additional personally created waypoints. Cachly imported the first waypoint but no more. My test case had 12 additional waypoints. 

    Pardon me if I am duplicating some previously found issues.


  4. Scenario:

    1. I create a find log and upload as a field note
    2. The Icon on the live cache map adds a “check” 
    3. The record on the live cache list adds a “check”
    4. On geocaching.com, I delete the field note instead of creating a found log.

        How do I clear the “check” on the live Cachly data?


  5. I created several waypoints for a geocache in GSAK and exported the gpx file. I then imported the gpx file into Cachly and the additional waypoints do not appear. When I imported the same file into three other phone applications plus my Garmin 62s, the additional waypoints appeared. Any ideas on what is causing the problem?

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