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Everything posted by barefootguru

  1. Hi, I'm not seeing the use of Saved Locations (long press on map), or any help on how to use them once created? I thought they might appear on the normal Caches map view… nope. Or you could select the saved location and jump to it, thereby seeing caches around it… nope. I guess my q is: have I missed something? When would you normally use them?
  2. Looks like there's sample pictures missing from help? This is Map Buttons on an iPad, but same result on iPhone.
  3. That hasn't always been the case, so we've got some (older) mysteries where the solved coords are much further than that. Also multis… for instance we've got one which runs half the length of New Zealand
  4. The original coords aren't within the search area, but the solved ones are…
  5. I suspect the answer to this is 'not possible' On the Caches screen, when you hit the load arrow, Cachly displays caches whose coords are within the current view. But if a mystery has solved coords within the view, but the given location is outside the view, you won't see it. So if my destination is a particular area I won't necessarily see all the caches in that area. (Yes, could muck around with zooming or lists.)
  6. Brilliant, I like to thank the owner personally too
  7. When saving a cache for offline use, I like to always save images, but have to select this each time. Is it possible for Cachly to restore the setting I used previously?
  8. Thanks and looking forward to V2! 2. Satellite: yeah, seemed unlikely given licensing. But on the Caches tab, tap the map icon, and on the Map Types screen under 'Offline Maps' is Standard and Satellite? 5. do you use the OS even for OSM? I'm used to running MotionX-GPS which does it internally (and has settings for caching and downloading).
  9. When submitting corrected coords through the website and official app, a name is never displayed. When saving a waypoint in Cachly, and marking it as corrected coordinate, the name I type in appears to be saved. Is the name actually saved with Geocaching.com?
  10. Having trouble getting my head around offline maps, plus I suspect there's a bug where some tiles aren't displayed at some zoom levels… but questions for now: which provider is used for offline maps? OSM? how does Cachly decide to download the Standard or Satellite maps? what zoom levels are downloaded? is there a way to view/delete the batches of map downloads? in normal operation, how much caching does Cachly do of tiles when online? i.e. what's the chance of it remembering tiles I've looked at if I lose reception, or saving cellular data. Thanks for your time.
  11. True, you'd be seeing stale information without knowing it. Thanks anyway
  12. Hi, if I save a cache to an offline list, then use a different path to view said cache (so random viewing of map instead of via that list), Cachly seems to only try for online info about the cache, and won't use what's cached? Would save having to follow exact steps if Cachly could fall back to pre-saved info.
  13. You could always use iOS text shortcuts for the same thing… though of course they'd be active for all apps.
  14. More a statement than question I've been so frustrated with the official app… it's incredibly buggy & crashy, feature deficient, has an atrocious interface, snail's pace development, and Groundspeak are ignoring feedback. But I've been persisting because it's the offical app… I've been trying Cachly the last few days… very impressed. App has lovely interface & is refreshingly easy to use, is 'deep', and every forum post has been diligently responded to. The (GS enforced) limitation of 50 caches is my biggest concern, but looking forward to version 2 of the app which makes this less onerous; and still getting my head around offline support.
  15. Not sure if q or feature request: looks like Cachly doesn't display a 'corrected coordinates' diamond on the map pin for found/smiley caches? In which case, would be good if it could
  16. Hi, I rarely use the Logs and Trackable buttons, yet often use Bookmarks and will probably get into Offline Lists — which require going through … Wondering about an option to define your own set of navigation buttons at the bottom of the main screen?
  17. In the help pages, Cache Map Pins, the last word is spelled incorrectly as coordiante.
  18. Hi, getting aquainted with Cachly. Overall a nice app When viewing a log entry, it seems the entire left border is a tap area which takes you to the user who wrote the entry, and I often find myself being unexpectedly taken to the user's page. I think it would be better, and make more sense, if only the user avatar drilled down to the user.
  19. I'll have a play; and look forward to live updating. Thanks for the quick, helpful, replies Nic.
  20. Umm… that sounds like a pain and an offline list would become outdated? What's the usual/recommended approach to moving around the map and seeing caches? (Pretty bummed about this… the official app is bug ridden, feature deficient, and has the nastiest interface I've seen in a long time; and GS is restricting what 3rd parties can do.)
  21. Thanks for the quick reply. Yep, I see by moving around I get an ellipsis in the refresh arrow. Can I just load all caches? Once the caches are loaded will the app remember them forever? Ah, the app's showing me PQs ready for download. I've found my other Geocaching.com lists under Bookmarks :]
  22. Hi, just downloaded Cachly. Have signed in with usual username fine, but am only seeing about 50 caches on the map, and 1 of my multiple lists. Have tried spinning arrow refresh on Caches page, and pulling down on Queries page. Cachly 1.1.7 (1), iOS 9.3.5, both iPhone and iPad, premium user.
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