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Posts posted by Bärenkatapult

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

    Are you meaning to have a filter that would only show caches from a specific center coordinate?

    Exactly: the center coordinate would be a "from" field in the distance filter for entering the center coordinate to store it fixed along with the filter. If this is empty, the center coordinate would be the current position (as today).

  2. 25 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

    Sorry for misunderstanding.

    No, I don't think there will be an option to manually set the "distance from" for live search filters. This tool is meant to do quick searching from the current map center, not your current location. You can always move the map to another location and load caches from there.

    Ok got this - fair point. So it would be more a potential feature for offline list filters?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

    Ah, ok, I understand now. 

    No, there isn't a way to sync the PQ currently. I will look into adding an option to clear the list before importing/downloading the PQ again if this helps.

    Yes, this would help. Thank you :)

  4. 5 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

    Currently it is set to 100 miles. Is that too large of a radius for you? 

    If you do a search, Cachly only returns the first 50 (or 100 if you change the Settings) and you tap again to load the next 50. You can easily do this a few times to get the caches you are needing.

    I am not sure, if you got my point. The reference point for "distance" filter is the current location. I would need to set it to a fixed coordinate (e.g. my home location as stored on geocaching.com), so the reference point does not move, when my current location changes.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Nic Hubbard said:

    If you have already saved the PQ as an offline list, you can use the "Update Caches" option to update the list. Does that help?

    Hi - that was a fast response :)

    I noticed the "update caches" option, but it only updates the cache data of all caches in the offline list. It would not notice if there are new caches in the PQ or some caches dropped out of the list (e.g. because they are archived or temporary unavailable). So it is about synching the cache IDs that are on the PQ as well. Or did I get the "update caches" option wrong?

    Kind regards

  6. On 5/8/2017 at 12:00 AM, Nic Hubbard said:

    --> For filtering by distance, will it be current location/coords only or a means of specifying a different reference point?

    No, you will be able to input a coordinate as the "from" point.

    Hi there,

    exactly for this "distance from" point i was looking today. Not only for offline list filters but would be useful for live view filters, too. Use case for me would be to select all caches of certain kind around 20 km of my home location. Right now I only can realize this functionality with PQs. Will there be a "distance from" option?


  7. Hi there,

    ist there any news on this feature request? I really would appreciate a minimum font size on offline maps. No need for other map types ;)


  8. Hi there,

    is there any news on this feature request? I have the same use case as BAMBI11 and could really use a one-click update of an offline list based on a pocket query. 

    I switched over from L4C and really like the rich functionality of Cachly :)


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