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  1. I'm really looking forward to this feature!
  2. No, but I think the use case is not that unlikely. I want to have many caches, and I will not wait long. Ergo: I click on the button as fast as I can. One solution would be: disable the button if the previous download is not ready yet. Or better: Asynchronous downloads: Each click is processed in a thread and do not interrupt each other.
  3. Hello Team DEMP, many thanks for the answer. No, I have 6,408 caches left. That can not be the problem. My usecase is: I am traveling to a new country and I would like to do geocaching there. But I do not have internet connection there, so I want to load all the caches in advance and save them into a list. But I think, i found the Problem: If I wait after each click on the reload button until it stops spinning, all caches (as far as I can see) are downloaded. Until now, I have always pressed the button quickly so that all caches are downloaded as quick as possible...
  4. I'm currently testing Cachly and I really like the simplicity of the app, but somehow I'm having trouble with finding (all the) caches. An example from Budapest: I loaded all caches in Budapest and the surrounding area with the reload function. But caches are missing everywhere. Quite easy to see the Mystery Caches of the word PUZZLE. Here is an Screenshot of the geocaching.com Website: I have loaded all caches in Cachly: But not all caches of the Mystery Series is loaded:
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