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Found 6 results

  1. After starting the app, it shows the live map view. If I like to use an offline list, I have to switch to "lists" and choose my preferred list. Even if "show all results" in settings was switched to 'off' all caches are displayed. I would like to have an option that cachly stores the last viewed map including the chosen list and zoom level. If I switch lists, zoom level should be the same. Udo
  2. If you look in the cache details, you will find the lists, a cache is listed in: In my old app "l4c" there was a checkmark in front of every list item. You could easily add or remove a single cache to a list by tapping on that icon. Additionally there was an icon on top of the page to create new lists: So it was easy to plan a tour by adding caches to the list without leaving the cache-page.
  3. Hello Nic, thanks for your amazing support. Perhaps I missed if this feature exists, but is it possible to save caches to the apple watch in bulk? I only found the option to save caches one by one when clicking into each cache. For example, the ability to long press or slide an offline/online list and then save the entire list to the watch would be amazing. Not sure what/if there are any limitations by the watch for doing such things, but even if lists could only contain up to a certain number of caches this would still speed up things. Thanks
  4. Hello. I'm a frequent user of Cachly and a premium geocaching member. My daughter is also geocacher but basic member. I suggested her to use Cachly. She acquired it and installed it on her iPhone. Unfortunately she can only see traditional caches on the map or on the list mode. We tried on several devices (iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPad 3) with the same result : connecting with my account, we see many types of caches all available both for premium and basic members but reconnecting with her account we see only the traditional caches. There is no difference in our settings : only premium/basic difference. More than that : while being connected to cachly with her account, if we use filter like displaying only mystery caches, then it displays the tradi caches anyway. What could go wrong ?
  5. I reviewed forum posts related to searching of offline lists. There was a reference to being able to do a quick search of an offline list in Map view. But I have not been able to find that capability. I am using version 2.0. The ability to search an offline list in List View in the same way that you can search caches in Live view would be a terrific addition (if the capability isn't currently there). If it is possible to search an offline list and I've missed it somehow, please let me know.
  6. Nic, I did quite a bit of caching on my recent Christmas Holiday (it's summer downunder!) and I am now a complete Cachly convert - I love it! Version 2.0 was GREAT and 2.0.1 is even GREATER and then today I get 2.0.2 - it's like Christmas for Geocachers every few weeks :-) There is one feature from Geosphere which I always found useful and wanted to see if you would consider its inclusion in Cachly at some point - actually its two related things.. They are similar to the earlier posting called "Bearing Indication" which you liked but take it a step further I think... 1) Could the option be made available to display a List (offline or otherwise) by direction. Eg Choose "North" and the list shows only caches between NNE and NNW in ascending order of distance. Ditto for all the other key points on the compass (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E,...). This is VERY useful if you are driving (or walking a trail) in a particular direction as it avoids you being shown the caches behind you or out of reach to the side but closer than the next one in front. 2) Could the List (offline or otherwise) be enhanced with a small compass directional arrow. This would also make it easier to see the next cache ahead. Rather than try to explain this in words, I have attached a screen shot as a guide (it's from the now apparently unsupported Geosphere which does this rather well) Peter
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