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Posts posted by CarolynCL

  1. Thank you so much for the speedy response Nic! That seems to have done the job - Documents & Data are down to 4.8 (Offline Maps are 1.3) for an overall size of 5.24. I am hoping to get out this afternoon after work and give it a try in the field and see if it behaves itself (since it was during my usage in the field on Saturday that the strange increasing storage phenomenon occurred).


  2. Since the automatic upgrade, Cachly has massively increased in size, and is causing my iPhone to have problems when the app is running. Currently it is using 14.02 gig of data and I have only one premium offline Ontario map downloaded. It’s also newly trying to suggest that I download a pro Antarctica map. I never did anything with Antarctica yesterday and I don’t know where this even came from. I had a premium Antarctica app on my iPhone that I removed because since I came back from Antarctica, I don’t need it anymore. That was a couple weeks ago. 

    When I left the house to go caching yesterday, it was telling me it was using 7 gig.  I don’t have a screenshot of that but that’s what it said. By the end of the day, it was showing 14.02. It also crashed multiple times while I was using it and stopped serving me the Ontario premium map, displaying instead nothing. It was a pretty frustrating day caching and it was a good thing. I was with other people who had working apps.

    • Cachly version number - 8.0.1(1)
    • iOS version - 17.4.1
    • Device that you are using - XR
    • If you are a Regular or Premium user of geocaching.com - premium




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