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  1. Hi from Switzerland I'm a very newbie on cachly (downloaded just yesterday), but I'm a experienced user of (as many others) geosphere app (I used and love(d) it for many many years... and I'm still using it, because I didn't find another cool app yet). With cachly I'm not yet experienced... so that's way I read some posts here in the forum and learned a lot. I love in Cachly, the option for live view... in Switzerland we do have a good coverage of 3G/4G connection all over, but some parts are not well covered because of the mountains and I want to have all my notes and additional remarks and waypoints generated in GSAK with me. So, I tried to import a GPX file on my iphone 7+ (256gb) generated with GSAK of all my Swiss caches (as I'm used for geoshpere) via itunes. I then tried to import the file ( size 393 mb / around 27000 caches to cachly. I tried it several times, but the file (with or without loading photos), stopps around 21000 caches and the app craches. It can't be a question of not having enough storage on my iphone, cause it's only 3 weeks old and not much on my new phone. There was a request to change the colors of the flags. I really would appreciate to have this option... All my solved mysteries (and their notes and waypoints) have their final coords in an other (mine is orange) color. So, when I'm doing a cache tour (for example a multi cache) I realise (because of the "eye catcher"orange color ) , there is a solved mystery near.... but that means, that I can see other caches around me, when I'm doing a cache... (another topic in the forum)... It seems, that I have to wait some more time, until I will completely quit with geosphere... but in the mean time, I will learn with cachly and hope for some changements soon here. When will the next release be on? thanks for your work and greetings gcchmaus_i
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